
BEE Institute and BEE & More have teamed up to offer you a BEE product that addresses all your BEE requirements.
This package is designed to assist you with gaining a complete understanding of the requirements of the BEE Codes of Good Practice through our in-house training Seminars, as well help you to prepare for verification through the compilation of your verification file.

Our scorecard calculator enables you to enter your BEE data onto a spread sheet on a continuous basis, which allows you access to an indicative score at any stage during your measurement period.
Because you are able to check your indicative score on a regular basis, you will immediately see which pillars you need to concentrate more effort on. Our consultant will guide you through this exercise through strategy-planning and element enhancement sessions.


Our comprehensive B-BBEE Package includes the following:

  • In House Training
  • BEE Strategy
  • Element Enhancement
  • File Preparation
  • Certification
  • BEE Calculator 

*Each individual component of the package is offered by an expert in the BEE field*

What is included:

In House Training

  1. BEE Sensitising session for Senior Management – this is a session designed to address perceptions and misconceptions about BEE
  2. BEE Overview – an introduction to the Scorecard as a whole, as well as to the individual pillars of the scorecard)
  3. Ownership and Management Control – understanding these scorecards – how the points are calculated
  4. Skills Development – obtain an in-depth understanding of the Skills Development element along with ways to maximise your score
  5. Enterprise and Supplier Development and Socio Economic Development – these are usually considered to be “quick win” elements, but we show you how to implement sustainable programmes which offer your organisation ROI

Each seminar is 3 hours long, and is designed for practitioners dealing with these pillars:

BEE Strategy
We provide a range of solutions to assist companies with their BEE planning.

Element Enhancement
We consult and assist on enhancing your score on any of the Pillars of the Codes.

File Preparation
We ensure that the necessary documentation and evidence is compiled into an orderly file ready for presentation to the verification agent.

We arrange for your file to be handed to the verification agent to assist in the
management of this process.

BEE Calculator
An MS Excel product is designed for Companies with a single BEE officer who maintains all the BEE information for the entity. OR
A Google on-line browser-based product for companies who have complex structures, and where BEE information is distributed between practitioners.